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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

Currently reading

Safe Word (Carrie’s Story #2)
Molly Weatherfield
Gestapo Girl
Lindsey Brooks
Erica Hayes
Game Misconduct
Bianca Sommerland
White Ivory
Lindsey Brooks
Beyond the Edge
Elizabeth Lister
An Executive Decision
Grace Marshall
Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories
Maria See, Devin Phillips, Bella Dean, K. Lynn, Raziel Moore, Angell Brooks, Kat Watson, Georgia E. Jones, J. Sinclaire, Mina Murray, Stella Harris, Ashley Lister, Tabitha Rayne, Gina Marie, Kiki DeLovely, Jax Baynard, Vida Bailey, A.M. Hartnett, Elise Hepner, Sophia Valent
Xanthe Walter
In His Command
Rie Warren

Honor's Knight

Honor's Knight - Rachel Bach Devi's dream of becoming one of the Devastator comes crashing down as secrets unfold in this book. At every turn, Devi is betrayed and she gets herself into worse situations. At this point, I'm not sure how she's going to get herself out of it. And really, who is friend and who is foe?

This follow up story does explain a lot of things I had questions about from the first story. However, the book felt more chaotic and less tightly written. I'm not sure I like where this book is heading. Every character in this book, I'm becoming less enamoured with, Devi included. I'm a bit hesitant to read the last book even though I have so many questions I want answered. Still, I'm going to try it out because I'm curious as to how this all ends. Mostly, I want to understand Mata and Brian. And what are these phantoms? I hope the last book in this trilogy explains it all.