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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

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Heart's Beat

Heart's Beat - Charity Parkerson Burning up the sheets

Finding that one person who makes all the noise go silent finally happens to Cade. Cade finds the man of his dreams in a bar and he may be a little too slow in claiming him. Bartender Dylan is lusting after drummer boy, Cade. Night after night watching others flirting with Cade is draining on Dylan. One night, Cade makes the move and brings Dylan home for a rocking good time.

The sex in this book is rough, passionate and so good. When Cade and Dylan burn up the sheets, it's panty wetting goodness. When the secondary characters, Maddox and Hawke get it on, it's just as arousing. The fight for sexual dominance is thrilling. The rest of the story is just confusing.

This story jumps from one character's point of view to another. My recommendation is to stick to just two characters' point of view, specifically the main ones - Cade and Dylan. In addition, keep the same point of view through the entire chapter. Switching between the different men when they are all so similar makes it a challenge to figure out who is thinking or saying what. From a character building perspective, there isn't really that much difference between Cade and Dylan. Because of this, a reader needs to constantly remind themselves which one is the drummer and which one is the bartender.

With this short story, to keep it tightly written and focused, the story should revolve around Cade and Dylan's communication conflict. Instead, a tangent thread coming completely out of left field hits the reader. This tangent thread contains an illicit rendez-vous between Maddox and Hawke. Whilst the sexual tension between these two secondary characters is delicious, it removes the focus off Cade and Dylan. Even if this scene sets up for the next book in the series, it throws a reader off. It is not applicable to Cade and Dylan's relationship. If it could have been worked in better instead of just hawt manlove, perhaps it would have enhanced the story instead of distracted.

Overall, this is a quick hot injection of sexy man on man love. Dylan is sweet and Cade is the bumbling lover. The ending is predictable and enjoyable. This 2.5 star m/m romance is recommended for reader loving bad boy rocker who find their happily ever after.

* provided by Reading Alley