Kate is cursed. Cursed by a past that won't let go! I'm mixed about this series and Kate. Kate tries so hard to be on the straight and narrow. She's like one of those born again non-smokers. She's so critical of those who smoke because she used to smoke. Basically, it Kate's world, magic is bad because it temps a person and it's all dirty. She wrestles with her past and the fact that she could have ended up running her Uncle Abe's coven. She could be rich and powerful. Instead, she's a poorly paid detective.
I like Kate and her well meaning intentions. It's tiring to read about her though. She reminds me a lot of Gin from [a:Jennifer Estep|580315|Jennifer Estep|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1264385515p2/580315.jpg]'s Elemental Assassin series. In this one, Kate's past rears it's ugly head again. Despite it all, Kate solves the mystery and once again falls off her no magic wagon.
I like the world building in here. I like the characters too. There are so many shades of grey here with the characters. No one is perfect. In fact, it's like a book full of anti-heroes. I'm mixed about John because for me, I don't see anything really wrong about him. He reminds me of Roarke from [a:J.D. Robb|17065|J.D. Robb|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1202524651p2/17065.jpg]'s death books. He also reminds me a little bit of Trent from the Hollow's series. Mostly, I just want to learn more about John because he's a bad boy and rich. Plus he still loves Kate even if she loathes him.
Morales as a partner is amusing as a foil to Kate. He's also prime beef to jump on. In this one, he's still funny and endearing. His response to the the Sorority orgy is hilarious. Although the realities of the Sorority girl orgy is a downer with Ms. Wells making it all "rapey". I personally found it arousing to read about sexy co-eds violating young college boys with vibrators. Oh the little bit shared was delicious.
Overall, this is a good read as I sucked it down in a few hours on a snowy Saturday afternoon. Recommended for paranormal romance lovers who also enjoy urban fantasy with a lead female who kicks ass.