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La Crimson Femme

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Burning For Her Kiss

Burning For Her Kiss - Sherri Hayes Gateway to BDSM readers, a new series is tailor made for you! Burning for Her Kiss is a good new series from talented Ms. Hayes. For those who are looking for more femdom books with loving and dominant females, pick this one up. Drew Parker is a responsible laden fire captain who can easily score with the ladies. After several years of serial dating with fire bunnies, he's tired of it. He wants a relationship with a woman he can share the rest of his life. One would think this would be easy for a great catch like Drew. There is just one little detail which makes the dating pool a bit smaller. Drew is a sexual submissive looking for a female dominant. Burned by his ex-girlfriend, Drew decides to search for a potential through a BDSM club, Serpent's Kiss.

After a month, newbie Drew is trying to take in all the exciting sights and spies upon a woman who seems to be known at the club. Perhaps he's found the woman to dominant him. Beth Davenport is a domme with baggage. Her last relationship breaks her through a terrible betrayal by her male submissive. Still smarting from his duplicity, she's in no mood to take on another submissive let alone date again.

Ms. Hayes pens a slow dance between these two characters. It's a sweet romance as Drew coaxes Beth to try out the dating pool again. Drew is an amicable guy who is easy to like and fall for because he's the nice guy. He saves lives and treats people with respect. Beth is a bit less engaging for me. Even though she is the older of the two, she comes across a bit younger in maturity. She's admirable with her own business but she's just not the type of person who interests me. Nor is she someone I'd bottom for because she lacks the command of a dominant. It's not that she isn't dominant or a wanna be dominant, it's just that her style doesn't match with mine and on a dominance scale, mine tops hers. Still, the dynamic between these two characters is heartwarming as Drew gently coaxes Beth into dating him.

From a story pace perspective, the book is a bit slow. This is a gradual build up to where the two finally admit to dating and share a kiss. From there the speed does pick up which is nice. There are a couple of tangent pieces to the story which I'm not sure are necessary. Perhaps it is used to set up the next book. The threads involving: Ben, Beth's ex-boyfriend showing up, Drew's brother Seth and Drew's friend Shawn didn't add to the story. For me, if they are cut out, it makes the writing tighter. I could have done without each of them.

The BDSM scenes in this story are decent. Beth's impact play as well as a bit of mind fuck with a knife is nice to read. It shows that Ms. Hayes is exploring more into the lifestyle to provide different scenes. The kinks are from light to medium in intensity. It's just right for those who enjoy the lighter side of BDSM yet want to spice it up a notch. For me personally, it was a bit tame and I couldn't really get into it. It's a personal preference. I did like the time set aside to discuss when one person has a hard limit whilst the other really enjoyed a kink. The way Ms. Hayes shows how to work through a negotiation is nice. This kinky book is recommended as a Gateway to BDSM as well as a good beginning Femdom book.

*I received this book as a review copy in return for an honest review