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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

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Trinity - Lauren Dane Wowza is this a 4 star for smexy menage and alpha male. I swear, the testosterone came off the books in this one. The scenes between Renee and Galen are smoking hawt. Ms. Dane cranks up the heat with Jack added to the mix. Renee is a witch who keeps her "light under a bushel". Galen is an alpha cat shifter. Jack is an alpha werewolf. The combination of these three together in a MMF is panty wetting goodness. This is the Ms. Dane I miss in her more recent books. This is rough, sexy and dirty talking. The chemistry between the three is so good.

The characters in this story are delightful. I liked them. The story itself is depressing at times. Is it a bit drama ridden? Yes, it's supposed to be. The erotic parts helped break up the downer relationship messy stuff. It is a nice balance. Overall this is a 3.5 star for me because I don't really see myself re-reading this book anytime soon. And I don't expect to remember it quite that well in a year or more. Still, this is definitely a good read and it does make me want to suck down the next book in this series. This is a feel good book. It's an escapist book for those who want to get away and read about a strong female and two sexy men who want to protect her.