Another masterpiece to be devoured yet savoured at the same time. I should learn by now that there is no reason to be anxiety stricken over reading a book in this series. So far, the full length novels in series is a solid five star across the board. I have never read a series for so long where every single book moves me and impresses me. I am completely enthralled with this book and the author. I keep dragging my feet in reading the book because I'm nervous it won't meet my high expectations.
In the Virgin, readers finally learn about "the year". This is the year which Nora leaves S??ren and Kingsley for "good". It's the major conflict which breaks the three apart. It is the one story I've been dreading since the beginning of this series. Why do I dread it? Because I'm desperately afraid of what I will learn. And I'm frightened that I will lose my love for the characters. Lastly, I'm also afraid the BDSM will just be "meh". So far, Ms. Reisz's BDSM is constantly edgy and fabulously kinky. How can she keep this going? It's a mystery to me and all I know is that I love it and want it to continue.
By now, followers of this series should know the BDSM in this book is accurate and fabulous. There is no real need for me to delve into the accuracies. What I can say is the erotic scenes filled with taboo in here are divine. Panty wetting goodness down to the very last word. I shiver in pleasure when I read any of the erotic passages. The rough sex, fisting, beatings