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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

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Safe Word (Carrieā€™s Story #2)
Molly Weatherfield
Gestapo Girl
Lindsey Brooks
Erica Hayes
Game Misconduct
Bianca Sommerland
White Ivory
Lindsey Brooks
Beyond the Edge
Elizabeth Lister
An Executive Decision
Grace Marshall
Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories
Maria See, Devin Phillips, Bella Dean, K. Lynn, Raziel Moore, Angell Brooks, Kat Watson, Georgia E. Jones, J. Sinclaire, Mina Murray, Stella Harris, Ashley Lister, Tabitha Rayne, Gina Marie, Kiki DeLovely, Jax Baynard, Vida Bailey, A.M. Hartnett, Elise Hepner, Sophia Valent
Xanthe Walter
In His Command
Rie Warren

Sadistic Boy 3: When I Wake Up, I Wish You Were With Me

Sadistic Boy 3: When I Wake Up, I Wish You Were With Me - Maia Tori Who says dysfunctional kissing cousins can't end up with a happily ever after? The theme in this last set is quite romantic as well as heart warming. First, a new character shows up and supports the boys by indicating there is no judgment in who you love and how you love. For a manga which is graphic sexual sadism and masochism, it meets head on with some heavy thoughts. Second, the reader learns more about how the cousin came to be into BDSM. Not only this, but also how the two used to interact when they were younger. It's a lovely ending with all the self-sacrifices amalgamating into a terrific triangle. Recommended for BDSM m/m lovers who enjoy graphic sexual torment. Don't forget to have the vibrator right next to you.