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La Crimson Femme

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A Wolf in the Fold

A Wolf in the Fold - Tymber Dalton The Romance Review

Holy continuous forced orgasms! Ms. Dalton cranks up the erotic heat in this story as the focus is once again on Elain and her three mates.

Ain, Brodey and Cail take ruthless advantage of Elain when it comes to exercising their power to edict her into sexual submission. Elain loves it! What woman wouldn't love to be forced to orgasm continuously until her lover says to stop? The sexual combinations in this story are panty-wetting goodness. For erotic heat, this is a five out of five. But seriously, these sexual shenanigans are only done for Elain's own good. She's been very stressed out and as any woman knows, a few good orgasms will definitely help decompress.

This 3.5-star story is more than just amazing sex scenes. It is so good to read a full-length novel filled with good plot and story movement. In this latest one, many of the dangling threads in previous books are now woven together and Baba Yaga's long-term plans finally unfold. Elain and her now very extended family feel used like pawns. But really, is it so bad? The reasons why Baba Yaga brought them together and sacrificed over centuries are heartbreaking.

On top of it, it seems like almost everyone is getting a happily-ever-after, even those who have been torn apart way too early. Everyone, that is, but Baba Yaga. What will happen to her?

This story moves at a good pace with nice balance between new powers arising for the new Triad and bad crises popping up. It is a lot to take for each of the characters in this book. So much happens to them in such little time. Enemies of their enemy become their ally. Their allies distance themselves due to conflicting agendas. It's crazy time and to top it off, women are getting pregnant. I'm not sure why they are so shocked when they are with child. With the amount of sexy time, they should know the result can be pregnancy.

Ms. Dalton does a good job of bringing this series in alignment for the end games. It is exciting to watch. To also see cameo appearances from other series is a delight. Each of the characters in the book are becoming well loved. It will be a sad day when this series ends. Hopefully, it will not end anytime soon. Although, the characters may disagree as they are suffering battle fatigue against the nasty cockatrice. For those wondering what these inherently evil shifters look like, they are best described by one of the characters as "a road runner and an ostrich merged with a lizard". Apparently they also taste as bad as they look and smell.

This paranormal romance book is recommended to erotic readers who love strong women characters and their loving, supportive men. And let's not forget those who enjoy reading about m??nage or more with amazing multiple orgasms.