One train wreck coming up!

This is a 2.5 story for me. Here's what I liked:
BDSM Scenes were decent. The sex scenes near the end were good for me. I enjoyed them.
What I bothered meThe people in here are flawed and broken. This I'm fine with. It's the self medicating through BDSM which can give the wrong impression. Since I'm in the lifestyle and know better, I find this fucked up poly with formal protocol hilarious. The formal protocol is nifty. Are there people who practice this in real life? Yes. Is this how most of the people are in the lifestyle? No. Based on my personal experience, this is becoming less and less prevalent. Just like in the work place people don't wear suits and address each other by their surname, in the lifestyle, formal protocol and the old guard is becoming less and less a majority. This is neither right nor wrong. It is just how the world is changing. I draw the same parallel as we see for members joining Restraint. It's a good allegory (is that the right term?) of all these new people rushing to join because of publicity in the lifestyle. The Masters of Restraint are the old guard.
The writing style was not as up to par as the previous. It's all from the perspective of Dexter. This is fine. It was just so much telling and little action. The action mainly occurred when the characters got their freak on.
What irked meWhen I go to sleep at night I wonder why you love me and I wake up thinking the same thoughts. I can see how much you love me and I can