Alpha male aliens with a kinky sexual leaning is an irresistible siren call. Full disclosure, I did not read the first two books and now I desperately need to buy the first two and read them. Shelley Bonham is not in a good position. Wife of a traitor, pregnant on an alien ship and ready to deliver her twins, it couldn't get much worse. And then it did. Unbeknownst to Shelley, delivering babies in Garathani territory means the children are considered Garathani citizens. Since children without fathers default to the highest ranking Garathani male, Cecine becomes their father and he can take the kids from Shelley. The only way to make it work is if he becomes her mate. Too bad Shelley is also terrified of Cecine.
The conflict in this story is based on lack of communication. This is not a trope I enjoy. Still, the writing and the excellent sex pushed the story to a 4 star. Ms. Rotham creates an interesting world. It's an easy one for those who read spacefaring sci-fi books to understand. Lately, it seems alien males are constantly losing their females to bio-genetic warfare. Where do these males go to find compatible females? Puny little human females are harvested and used as sexual playmates as well as breeding stock.
This fantasy Ms. Rotham creates is very popular and speaks to many women. First, alpha men who can protect their women are involved. Both Cecine and Hastion can hold their own when it comes to fighting. Second, two male sexual organs is another attraction for women as of late. Third, there is a way to change a woman from being short and stock to sexy tall and lean. Sign me up! Where are these aliens? But wait, there is more! These aliens also happen to be on a sexual awakening which involves hawt m/m sex and kinky undertones of D/s. This potent combination can easily get a submissive woman's panty wet.
The BDSM in this story is tantalizing yet too little. Ms. Rotham stingily treats the reader to a few scenes here and there. The focus is really the m/m sexual aggressive scenes. These do carry a hint of dominance but not enough to satisfy a BDSM reader. Still, it is very arousing and the sex scenes are smoking hawt. When the relationship becomes a true triad of Mmf, it's fantastic. Ms. Rothan excels in her erotic scenes.
The character building in this story is what really does it for me. While Ms. Rotham does switch from the different point of views, it is still easy to follow and distinguish between Shelley, Cecine and Hastion's thoughts. Ms. Rotham gives each of her character equal time when it comes to detailing their background. Shelley's up bringing is the easiest and filled with more love, despite her asshole dead husband. Hastion's life is a bit more painful yet it is clear he still experienced love. Cecine's past is a traumatic catastrophe. It's amazing he's as well balanced as he is in the story. He's the one I fell in love with. He's strong, stoic and quite dominant. This kinky space opera is recommended to those who enjoy m??nages with an extra male appendage involved.
*provided by BDSM Book Reviews