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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

Currently reading

Safe Word (Carrieā€™s Story #2)
Molly Weatherfield
Gestapo Girl
Lindsey Brooks
Erica Hayes
Game Misconduct
Bianca Sommerland
White Ivory
Lindsey Brooks
Beyond the Edge
Elizabeth Lister
An Executive Decision
Grace Marshall
Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories
Maria See, Devin Phillips, Bella Dean, K. Lynn, Raziel Moore, Angell Brooks, Kat Watson, Georgia E. Jones, J. Sinclaire, Mina Murray, Stella Harris, Ashley Lister, Tabitha Rayne, Gina Marie, Kiki DeLovely, Jax Baynard, Vida Bailey, A.M. Hartnett, Elise Hepner, Sophia Valent
Xanthe Walter
In His Command
Rie Warren

Chris and Zach

Chris and Zach - D.H. Starr This is a totally sweet romance catching me off guard. It's a little bit of Mutant X with a homoerotic romance that just takes my breath away. Mr. Starr pens a beautiful story of a man who's been cast out yet finds a way to create his own family. His family is of the heart instead of blood.

This story is strong on both world building and character development. Chris is easy to like as well as Abby and Zach. This threesome is not a true menage, but still it's idealistic. The story pace is nice and easy. The eventual bonding between Zach and Chris is magically sweet. Recommended for romance lovers who are love to finding their one person who completes them mind, body and soul.