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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

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Safe Word (Carrieā€™s Story #2)
Molly Weatherfield
Gestapo Girl
Lindsey Brooks
Erica Hayes
Game Misconduct
Bianca Sommerland
White Ivory
Lindsey Brooks
Beyond the Edge
Elizabeth Lister
An Executive Decision
Grace Marshall
Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories
Maria See, Devin Phillips, Bella Dean, K. Lynn, Raziel Moore, Angell Brooks, Kat Watson, Georgia E. Jones, J. Sinclaire, Mina Murray, Stella Harris, Ashley Lister, Tabitha Rayne, Gina Marie, Kiki DeLovely, Jax Baynard, Vida Bailey, A.M. Hartnett, Elise Hepner, Sophia Valent
Xanthe Walter
In His Command
Rie Warren

Cuckolding Her Sissy Husband

Cuckolding Her Sissy Husband - Domina Dixon I'm addicted to reading this theme when I'm stress out at work. Not sure exactly why I cleave to this genre during my times of need...

I do like Ms. Dixon's stories. This one is of poor Richard and his cunt wife. I didn't like her. She is a complete cunt and gives Dommes a bad name. The sex part of this was decent. The pegging was a bit short. The humiliation was more telling than showing. The hints of what happened to Richard with his wife's friends and ex-coworkers is exciting. It's not graphic enough though. It would be nice to expand upon a time when Richard treated Karen poorly. And now, more thorough scenes with Karen punishing Richard would be nice.

The cuckold scene was sexually satisfying if emotionally a bit ill at ease. The problem for me is that Richard keeps not enjoying it but still feeling like he likes it. This blurring of lines always causes difficulty for me to fully enjoy it. Still, the scene is decent if a bit fast.

There is no character development which is fine because it's not what I'm looking for in this story. What I am looking for is more graphic sex. More humiliation and definitely more thoughts/emotions from Richard. Still, as a fantasy nasty bitch wife cuckold story, this hits the spot. Recommended for those who enjoy the depraved fantasies sans any bit of love.