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La Crimson Femme

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Rule Breaker: A Novel of the Breeds

Rule Breaker: A Novel of the Breeds - Lora Leigh This is a very addictive series. This latest one was good for me. But it was so confusing for the first half of the book. This one is filled with intrigue. So many groups working in secret to help each other and yet they didn't exactly do it. I can't help but think that if they all worked together, things would work out better.

What really pulled me into this story is the way Gypsy does so well without any support or love from her family. The way she is focused yet gives a different outer appearance is great. The connections she makes as well as how hard she tries to right a wrong is impressive.

Gypsy does it for me. Her situation is painful to watch. The blows she take makes me wince. How her parents treat her and don't know her is distressing for me.

Rule is sexy and just asking for his ass to be handed to him. It's good to see him fall. This one, the lion is more prevalent in decisions which is different. I liked it.

I would have thought by now the mate bonding would be old and recycled. Ms. Leigh kept it interesting. The plot felt as if it would move forward more but it didn't. The reveals are only keeping me hooked into this series again. I can't wait to read the next one. Recommended for romance lovers who like heroines who choose their family.