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La Crimson Femme

Welcome to my dungeon ~ book reviews, musings and education relating to erotica, graphic sex and more. I love gentle pain mixed with rough pleasure.

Currently reading

Safe Word (Carrieā€™s Story #2)
Molly Weatherfield
Gestapo Girl
Lindsey Brooks
Erica Hayes
Game Misconduct
Bianca Sommerland
White Ivory
Lindsey Brooks
Beyond the Edge
Elizabeth Lister
An Executive Decision
Grace Marshall
Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories
Maria See, Devin Phillips, Bella Dean, K. Lynn, Raziel Moore, Angell Brooks, Kat Watson, Georgia E. Jones, J. Sinclaire, Mina Murray, Stella Harris, Ashley Lister, Tabitha Rayne, Gina Marie, Kiki DeLovely, Jax Baynard, Vida Bailey, A.M. Hartnett, Elise Hepner, Sophia Valent
Xanthe Walter
In His Command
Rie Warren
Carved in Stone - Vickie Taylor I love gargoyles or as the correct term - grotesque. This story I enjoyed. There aren't that many stories with this mythical creature. There is something very attractive and sexy about a man who can become rock hard. This story is the typical love story where one of characters is blinded by revenge. Then of course they fall in love with one of those "killers" who destroyed their life. When a blanket statement is applied across the board to a specific race/ethnicity, what else is going to happen? Eh. Still it was a light read.